
Political Action Committee

Political Action Committee members act as a liaison between the NWDLC and their community by attending meetings and presenting on behalf of labour to Councils or School Boards and by reporting back to the NWDLC on local issues. Our goal is to ensure elected representatives at all levels of government in Canada respond to the needs of people and families. The Committee is responsible for coordinating the Labour Council’s Municipal/School Board Political Action Program including candidate outreach and endorsement. Members of the Committee are eligible for appointment by their Union to the Municipal/School Board Candidate Interview Committee. The Committee coordinates Labour Council activities such as MP or MLA lobbies in consultation with the CLC or BCFL.

In BC Local Government Elections are held on the 3rd Saturday in October, every 4 years. In 2022 they fell on Saturday, October 15th and the NWDLC was pleased to endorse candidates in our region who share the values of working people.  Below is a list of our 2022 endorsed and elected candidates in your city:

LG Leaders - Endorsed Elected 2022

Co-Chairs: Janet Andrews and Sheila Raikadroka

Community & Social Action Committee

The Community and Social Action Committee responds to and/or initiates actions to address issues of people’s access to appropriate housing, social security, public education and adequate and appropriate income. The Committee creates a collaborative and participatory model with affiliates to undertake local and regional actions or activities. The Committee holds Community Forum events in conjunction with the Union Protein Project to connect food bank clients with information and solutions on a variety of issues in local communities.

Co-Chairs: Wendy Cook and Tracy Goyer

Indigenous Standing Committee

The Indigenous Standing Committee will respond and/or initiate actions to address issues relevant to Indigenous members regarding truth and reconciliation and other issues important to Indigenous members of the NWDLC. The committee will provide support to the NWDLC Executive Board upon request.  (This is a living document – February 24, 2022)

Co-Chairs: April Duffield and Louella Vincent

Committee Meetings are called at the request of the Co-Chairs, and are held in the USW training room, #106-3920 Norland Avenue, Burnaby.