The New Westminster & District Labour Council is a community based central labour organization chartered in 1966 by the Canadian Labour Congress to represent workers in fourteen lower mainland municipalities. We represent approximately 65,000 union members from more than 100 affiliated local unions continuing the proud union tradition of workers speaking out on issues affecting them in their workplaces and in their communities. We work together and with community partners like the United Way and the Union Protein Project (formerly Protein for People) to deliver information, services and programs to build a stronger and more compassionate society, one that supports the needs of working families and all people.
The regional area covered by the NWDLC.
Union members participate in the activities of the Labour Council by volunteering time to support other union members on picket lines, attending educational seminars and courses to learn new skills, participating on Labour Council committees and attending events. Members also get involved with community agencies that deliver vital services, serve on community boards and volunteer in civic, provincial and federal election campaigns.